Shipping & Returns



First, thank you for supporting an artist! Second, let’s get into shipping and returns.

As you’ve likely noticed, this is a particularly unique style of painting. It is thick, heavy, and highly dimensional. And with it’s unique style comes unique challenges.

I cannot offer a guarantee that your piece of art will arrive unaffected by shipping. While to date 99.9% of my pieces have arrived safely (and I’ve shipped thousands), this has to be said. There is always a small chance a leaf or flower could arrive bent, or slightly flattened. If the flower is warped, it can likely be coaxed back to it’s original shape by gently re-molding it with heat and your hands, which I can show you how to do through a FaceTime or Zoom. If there is a piece of your art that we can not fix together, I will send you a new flower(s) with adhering paint and join you on a instructional Zoom where together, we can fix it. In purchasing a piece, you acknowledge minimal damage can occur and we will work together to fix it. Unless the piece is damaged beyond repair, sales are final.


I do not accept returns or exchanges unless the art arrives severely damaged beyond repair. An immense amount of time and cost goes into the creation, packing and shipment of this art. It is understood that your purchase is final.


Shipping costs are included in the price for US customers residing in one of the 48 contiguous states. For customers living in Hawaii, Alaska, the US Virgin Islands and Internationally, additional shipping costs will be charged to you after your purchase is made, based on an estimate I receive from the United States Postal Service. The additional charge can be paid through PayPal or Venmo only. These costs can be quite high depending on the size of the painting and typically range anywhere from $50-$150 USD. This does not include your country’s import taxes, which you should consider. You will be contacted by me shortly after your purchase to pay the additional shipping costs, so please be on the lookout for an email. I will provide my Venmo and PayPal account information, and you will have 30 minutes to complete payment, otherwise I will need to cancel your order.